Saturday, February 10, 2007


Just got back from a social networking event in Atlanta, GA. It was very interesting to have discussions on topics ranging from Web 2.0, start-ups, venture capitalists, to cool new innovative technologies. It takes a considerable effort to get people (software and non-software based) to meet up and socialise in a conference - non-conference way (which btw was a pretty neat idea). A shout out to the SoCon team!

One discussion topic stuck with me: Entrepreneur 2.0, moderated by Jeff Haynie since my husband and I are planning to start our own company in the very near future. We talked about the different stages of a start up, what makes it successful and financing the whole deal. I heard (horror?) stories about how 12 years ago, if you wanted to start your own company, you were pretty much on your own. We are lucky to live in this time and age where there is a support system for start-ups: communities of already-made-it businessmen, venture capitalists who are willing to help out. There is talk about a Start-Up conference too ( in summer? ), organized by a few of the same guys involved in SoCon07. Should be fun to attend.

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