Friday, September 28, 2007


It's not like I am new to this logging API. I am familiar with Appenders, Loggers, Layouts. I have used in a basic manner so when there is a need to dynamically ( on-the-fly) change logging settings.
The logging level is the easiest property to change. I am messing around with how to change the retention period ( maxBackupIndex ) and the MaxFileSize. I don't think it should be that hard - get an instance of the Appender using the logger. OR change the DOM tree - ewow, I don't wanna do that. If I had an external file, I could use ConfigureAndWatch, but I really want this to happen via a GUI Button.
Ideas, anyone?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lotus Notes

One of my concerns at work is that I have to use Windoze on my development laptop. Of course, since my corporate laptop has MS stuff pre-installed and I don't have admin rights, dual booting into Linux is hardly an option. My thoughts of getting away from the MS environment was to bring in my personal laptop from home ( runs SuSe ). Since I work with Java, Eclipse, SQL and these are all readily available for Linux, it would solve my irritation. The only reason I would hang onto the corporate laptop is coz it runs Lotus Notes ( useful for emails, meeting notifications, calendar, travel request, etc.....) which was very legacy, closed source and only available for Windows.

But check this out: Free Lotus Notes !!! . Hopefully I can play around with my personal laptop and get Notes installed on it. I am excited! I have been waiting to develop on my *nix environment.